Emergency Exercise Planned Tuesday, March 28th – PLC

A note from Safety & Risk Services:

On Tuesday, March 28th from approximately 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, the Eugene Springfield Fire Department will be conducting training in Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC).

The training will involve completing a high speed walk through response to a reported fire on an upper level of the building. No alarms or water will be used, though they will lay out fire hose in the stairwells and they may bring in other equipment. This exercise may block one set of stairs at a time. They may test on multiple sets of stairs. Other stairwells and elevators will still be available.

While the doors to PLC are scheduled to be locked during spring break, they will be unlocked during this time.

If building fire alarms activate building occupants should assume a fire has been detected, evacuate the building, and not re-enter until advised to by emergency responders.